Monday, March 8, 2010

237 - 'Talking up' a movie and ruining it for me

I remember going into a cinema without having any preconceived notion of what the movie I was about see would be about. Now, with instant texting, instant messenger, Facebook, Twitter (seriously, why did I get Twitter...), blogs updated every single day, and a general acceleration in word of mouth communication, I find myself going into movies already knowing whether the acting will be amazing or subpar, whether the plot'll be good or not, and what happens at the very end (and maybe even after the credits).

It effectively ruins the films for me, films like Wall-EUp, and Avatar, just to name a few. Great 3-D movies, I understand the digital wonderfulness of them, but hey, let me just watch it and judge on my own accord, because the more you talk about it, the less impressed I can and am going to be.

Take the Oscars for example. I haven't watched the ceremony yet. But I already know which film wins Best Picture, and apparently, everyone is mad at George Clooney. Demi Moore and Sandra Bullock seemed classy and looked beautiful.

Now, you can lay the blame back on my own shoulders, for I signed into Facebook and Twitter and surfed the web extensively for the past few hours, denying what I know to be true, that when I watch the Academy Awards, it will be spoiled if I keep clicking from page to page, but hey, it's Monday morning, 9:30am. I just had breakfast, and I don't have a lesson until eleven.. this is what I do every morning, every day, like the Pinky and the Brain trying to take over the world. I have no time to blog or tweet or check my e-mails later, this is my routine.

Hollywood news just spreads so quickly, and movies get so hyped up, to the point where it's just not impressive, worthwhile or simply news anymore.

If everybody could not talk about Alice in Wonderland, that would be appreciated. I am a fan of Johnny Depp, and of Tim Burton, and of Lewis Caroll, and well, I don't want this to be another Wall-E sort of disappointment.

Bah, how can I blame anyone for talking about it, though, if they've seen it? What am I really asking for - that everyone conform to my own timetable and calendar before talking about certain TV shows, music albums, or top grossing blockbusters?



Unknown said...

Can I just tell you that 'Alice in Wonderland' is within my expectation? :P

Anonymous said...

Oh, I feel bad for talking Shutter Island. :P

Charis said...

My dad said that Alice was supposed to be a very happy, friendly show, but it seems that there is some fighting and the charcters look frightening(i'm afraid of clowns cos of the way they put their make-up), especially with the 3D effect. Well, I'm not very interested in that show but I thought Avatar was nice.

Kunna said...

@Michael:yup u r rite... the hype always spoils the mysteries in the movie...

Madame DeFarge said...

Well, I loathed Avatar. Completely and utterly loathed it.

gaf85 said...

Michael, I was too busy and never got to see Avatar the first time around so I guess I'll just have to wait now. I'm a big sci-fi fan so always hungry for the newest special effects. I am uncertain though if I really even want to spend the money or time to see Alice.

FireTruckOnFire said...

Haha, I always seem to agree with you!
Yes, yes I hate this too.
you are cynically hilarious- the dry humor (i think thats what you would call it) cracks me up!

Please keep writing, and complaming :)

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