Sunday, December 20, 2009

204 - Mucophagy

(From "In the scientific and medical communities, the technical name for using one's finger to extract boogers is rhinotillexis, and doing so compulsively is termed rhinotillexomania. The act of eating the resulting harvest is called mucophagy."

There was a Dr. Friedrich who professed that eating your boogers is a healthy venture. The premise behind this conclusion was the fact that boogers, chock full of germs, when consumed, would lead the body to develop more antibodies, and make it more resilient to bacterial disease, thus improving the overall immune system. This is definitely one of the most stupid, senseless, dim-witted, annoying, ridiculous, laughable and mindless things I've ever heard in my life.

If you want to prevent getting sick, you best avoid germs, by washing your hands a lot, cooking your food thoroughly, clearing the grime from under your fingernails, dispose of tissue papers properly after blowing your nose into them, and separating the cutlery you use for raw food from those for cooked food. 

Also, it's best you not ingest dried bits of mucus infested with them. I don't know. Maybe a number of your readers need me to point that out to you.

It's also quite gross for other people to witness you doing it. I don't get sickened easily by sights of unsightly things - blood and gore, hardcore violence, explicit sex, death and illness, mental dysfunction, or claimed evidence of supernatural manifestations - but for some reason, even just picturing a booger going into someone's mouth gives me a sick feeling, a slight inclination to vomit out of disgust.

Please tell me you hate it too...


Plentymorefishoutofwater said...

Come on Michael, you're taking all the fun out of my morning now!

J.J. in L.A. said...

My man has a VERY weak stomach. So weak that, while watching a cartoon, he started to gag when the cartoon character picked his nose and kept sticking his finger farther and farther inside. I couldn't stop laughing (at my man, not the cartoon).

Bunc said...

If you know of anyone who has trouble with nasal mucous then you should advise them to invest in a high quality nosepick.
NosePicks Today

J. Ballard
Chief NosePick Designer
Polock and Sons
Purveyors of Ornamental Nosepicks.

Lynn said...

Nobody could every get me to eat anything that comes out of a nose.

(Why spend your time studying people eating their own snot?)

Pheel said...

Nothing grosses out my science teacher. Except boogers. said...

This has got to be your funniest and grossest post yet! Yes, even my adorable love bug of a 2-1/2 year old nephew grosses me out when 'digging for gold' and then putting his finger in his mouth.

Amna said...

Reading this, while eating breakfast.

Hmmm, not the best idea.

Lynn said...

I wonder if the guy who said that it was good for you was only trying to justify his own nose-picking habits

Bruce Coltin said...

I will be very popular at my next holiday party, armed with this information. Of course, I will credit my source.

Innocent Owner Of Mad Cats said...

Dang it! I was gonna read one more post and go get some breakfast! Change of plans now. :)

Anonymous said...

It's a good thing I didn't have coffee in my hand this time, and I am about to go out for pizza... maybe I'll go for sushi instead.


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Also, it's best you not ingest dried bits of mucus infested with them. I don't know. Maybe compre da china a number of your readers need me to point that out to you.

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