Saturday, December 6, 2008

40 - Being argumentative

On the flip side of the previous post, there are those defiant, angry individuals that are always, always, always argumentative and continually seek out to prove you wrong. Being too argumentative is one of the most annoying bad habits to have because argumentative people aren't simply irritating others but they're possibly inflicting hurtful attacks on to people by defying their views, especially when the subject is something very personal. Some people call it barbaric hostility, others call it criticism and others call it contempt. Argumentativeness is an extremely unattractive quality for a person to have. They often don't listen to or don't care about what you have to say and will reject your opinion without the slightest hesitation.

I can think of four or five people who are too argumentative and all of us just hate the way they believe the world revolves around their perspective. Often their views are ludicrous and irrational. I'm open to a lot of opinion, I can respect views that oppose mine but when people are so caught up in their own view of the world, I just won't stand for it and I'll argue back. The most difficult thing to control is how to contain oneself when an argumentative person attacks you. You're forced to attempt not to get sucked into his/her angry black hole of defiance.

It isn't fair. It doesn't display very good character. I often wonder if these people genuinely believe their arguments are completely valid in all instances. Surely everyone has been told by their parents to listen to others and to share. Why do these people exist?


yolanda said...

people who are extremely argumentative lack empathy for others. they find it very difficult to 'walk in another persons shoes'.

they are hard to be around because they seem to find fault with everything we do. ultimately i feel sorry for them, because they are at war with the world, and are sacrifice meaningful relationships with others for the illusion for perfection.

yolanda said...

correction: in the quest for perfection

J.J. in L.A. said...

"You're forced to attempt not to get sucked into his/her angry black hole of defiance."

Exactly the point of my last comment...

Michael said...

Yolanda: Exactly my own sentiment. Feeling sorry for them 'cause they'll be the ones that will get rejected for rejecting others too much.

J.J.: I know.

Author and Reader said...

I get impatient with some of my students who argue about stupid when I say they will need to work on an assignment outside of class and someone wants to argue on and on as to why we couldn't be given time to do it IN CLASS. (the reason I would call the assignment HOMEWORK) Of course I realize most of the time these arguments are a devious tactic to waste time on getting to what I actually planned to do IN CLASS that day. I've learned to cut them short and just break right into the lesson, ignoring them. (Here's the time when he or she slumps down in the seat and pouts... so immature) And I hate when my husband wants to argue because he knows I'm ALWAYS RIGHT :-)

Douglas said...

I disagree.


Robot Nine said...

Funny Douglas. Michael I spent ten years in a marriage arguing over money, dinner, TV, the phase of the moon, color of the sky, if some cousin were strong minded or rude, EVERYTHING. After a hard divorce, she is remarried and THEY argue a lot, lol, but apparantly I am a likeable guy as I am friends with them both. Now, when someone argues I just tell them I refuse to argue. If they try again I leave. I cannot visit family for more than a day or two for the drama, but I have a peaceful life, and I believe my 17 year old daughter has learned the futility of argument. Nobody ever wins an argument. Thanks for the comment on travel. Yes, probalby not much excitemnet at Stonehenge but being an archeology and history buff, I won't rest until I have stood there with the pix to prove it. Check out my long winded thanks and blog plans on Robot Nine.