Wednesday, January 7, 2009

72 - Too much of a sweet tooth

I used to know a person called Ben Cook. I like to talk about Ben with my close friend for six years and recall all his special characteristics. We often laugh about this sad sticker on the box he took to music class that said, "I love my clarinet." And we remember this absolutely hilarious incident where he managed to run into a football post and hit his forehead with a loud BANG. Aside from the fact that he liked to take off his shoes during class, one of the most memorable things about Ben Cook is his sweet tooth.

He would carry Airheads in his pockets everywhere he went. We would often see him unwrapping a toffee, drinking Coca Cola or with a lollypop in his mouth. There was one time when my close friend went to Ben's place to hang out. They were sitting in his room and Ben shouted, "Mum?!!?? Is there any more cake left?!?!"

His mother replied with, "No, dear!"

And so Ben went downstairs to the kitchen to scavenge for food.

My close friend followed him downstairs and walked in on Ben pouring plain white sugar into his mouth. Wouldn't you hate the sight of that too?


Anonymous said...

oh god, I cringed at that. Are you still in touch with Ben Cook and has he got any teeth left?

Michael said...

I can reach him in two phone calls. I don't know about his teeth, I think they are still there. But I heard his ex-girlfriend mention something about his saliva being very sweet too...

Shyssa Anathalya Ferreira said...


Anonymous said...

I take it you're not close anymore though.
Interesting comment his ex girlfriend made though....!!

Michael said...

Shyssa: Thank you, I promised myself it would be a daily blog, but I'm glad you are entertained too.

Vivienne: I actually didn't like him for his walking around the school in his socks. It's very informal attire for a learning environment.

Syam Ahmedarino said...


i love skittle very much!
but not go obses on it hehe

KMcJoseph said...

When I was three my parents would find me eating margarine straight from the tub. Gross.

Madame DeFarge said...

Essentially, all he was doing was cutting out the middle man. Why glug up on Coke or eat sweets, cakes, most prepared foods and clutter up your innards when you can just go straight to the sugar bag? It seems an efficient use of resources to me.

Sophie said...

See, I prefer savoury. That's why I used to drink vinegar. When I was 6, come on.

I did used to take sugar packets from restauarants and cafes. Not to use them in any shape or form, I just took them.

J.J. in L.A. said...

That sounds like one of my brothers. We gave him a couple dozen leftover cookies and candies when he went home. Mom said, "I don't want you to open these til you get home!" and she wasn't talking to his 7 and 9 year old kids.

yolanda said...

god, i think i've actually done that!

Douglas said...

I've done that... take a spoonful of sugar directly. I also, when I was a kid, tear off and wad up pieces of white bread and dip them in sugar and eat them. Instant candy... didn't have to go to the store. But that was long ago. I no longer have a sweet tooth. In fact, I stopped liking sweets in my late teens. Except for sherbet (sorbet) and banana splits (I am still drooling over that picture).

Randa said...

That's some sweet tooth.

I like chocolate and that's about it. And it has to be with something not chocolaty.

Back in high school, I remember eating a whole pixie stick [or three] at football games. It would make my eyes water from all the powder and sugar.

Do you have a sweet tooth, Michael?

alec17 said...

It's girlfriend's best friend is addicted to sugar! She once dipped her fries in sugar! Plain white sugar! Now wouldn't you hate to see that!?

And thanks for the awesome comment on my page! I really appreciate the positive feedback and I most def. will check out your friend's blog! Sounds like me! lol


alec17 said...

I didnt even see Randa's post...and man does she like chocolate....

Everyday Housewife said...

Goodness, why didn't his mother discouraged him. I know I would have.

Michael said...

Syam Ahmed: I love Skittles! Not the sour kind, though. I had Skittles yesterday actually.

KMcJoseph: Wow.

Madame DeFarge: Good one.

Hail To The Thief: I used to treat brown sugar in restaurants and cafes as a good after-meal snack.

J.J.: Hah.

Yolanda: I've never done that. I think I was taught not to do 'crazy' things like that at an early age.

Douglas: Candy... I like Mentos, Fruitips and Polo. A lot of the simple place-on-tongue sizes.

Randa: Chocolate, for me, has to be white. Milk is alright, dark is alright, brown is boring.

Alec: I've actually heard of people that like to dip their fries in sugar. I don't understand it. The flavors don't match.

Everyday Housewife: Kids do some of the craziest sometimes and it's somewhat amusing to watch parents freak out dramatically.

Anonymous said...

Lately I've been indulging in sweet/sugary stuff. And I wonder if it has caused this terrible mental block I'm having up until now - why I weren't able to scribble on anything worth reading since vacation. We had plenty supply of sent chocolates and candies.

And also when I got nothing to do, I also go for plain sugar, deeping bananas in 'em. Or sometimes deep-frying sugar-coated bananas.

I wonder how true, that (some) aweets % sugary stuff induce mental block. I've been refraining from eating candies before any exam for years because of it.

Though I do eat chocolates before tests. As stimulant. Or maybe plainly because I love chocolates.

Michael said...

I did a presentation at school about stimulants. Chocolate offers minimal amounts.

I LOVE THE DEEP FRIED BANANAS. Oh, my God. You made me drool.

Sugar makes me sleepy. ZZZZZzzzzz...

ash said...

I've never heard of deep fried bananas! Sounds interesting.

I love mint chocolate chip ice cream.

This was a hilarious post!

Michael said...

Ash: I love mint chocolate chip as well, but cookie dough and cream even more.